
Social Control Theory Essay

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In this essay, I will critically assess that deviant behaviour is likely, related to the strength of social bonds. The Control Theory is the criminological theory, which is mostly driven by classicist beliefs, similar in the freedom of choice, and the ability to stop ourselves from committing a crime. It is a theory of why individual’s do not commit the crime? (Hirschi,1969) The theory was popular in the 1950’s/1960’s, as this was a new way of thinking since other theorists were interested, why do people commit a crime? and the control theory begins to explain the social controls/bonds to their society, which can insulate an individual from deviance. As it is presumed the majority of people would commit the crime if they had the chance. It …show more content…

(Newburn, 2012: p236).
Sykes and Matza’s (1957) theory was that delinquents do not usually believe in delinquent behaviour all the time, they conform most of the time and believe in community values. However, when delinquent behaviour is apparent, offenders deny responsibility, by saying “something came over me” (Sanderson, 1994: p94) Most delinquents grow out of their behaviour as they mature (Vold, Bernard and Snipes, 2002: p 182)
Travis Hirschi ‘social bond’ theory (1969) theory insinuates that we all have the ability to commit the crime, but the stronger social bonds we have with intuitions like school and family, the more probable to conform. Hirschi recommended 4 categories of social control. Firstly, ‘Attachment’ this is the strength of the ties with family and friends. “Lack of attachment is directly conductive to delinquency because the unattached child does not have to consider the consequences of his actions for his relations with his parents”. (Hirschi, 1969: p98), which implies that individuals who are not in a secure relationship with their parents are more likely to endeavour in delinquency. However, not all unattached children break the law. Secondly, ‘Commitment’ this is how much of an individual’s time they are willing to invest in education. “Most, people simply by the process of living in an organized society, acquire goods, reputations prospects that

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