
The Theory Of Medicinal And Alternative Medicine Institute Essay

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There are two philosophies dominating the medical practice in the United States. The Allopathic, or Dualistic, philosophy, the most common, uses science to prove the value in treatment of diseases. The Homeopathic, or Holistic, philosophy treats the person rather than the disease (Spector, 2013). As the Holistic philosophy becomes more prominent, it is important to note that cultural diversity has always been present. The following discussion is to inform healthcare professionals about the use of herbs in the Wiccan culture and to better understand the differences and similarities in medicinal uses, both past and present, thereby decreasing cultural incompetence in the medical field.
The National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine Institute (NCCAM) works synergistically with the Holistic philosophy. It studies the traditional, or ethnocultural, care systems founded from the African, Catholic, and Christian beliefs and cultures found in India, Spain, Mexico, Africa, Japan, and China (Spector, 2013). Throughout time people have used herbs for healing. In fact, according to Lucas (1987), Chinese herbal research documents reach as far back as 2697 B.C. Unfortunately, throughout history, people who utilized herbs were not always accepted. Sadly, many of those people were either wrongly accused or people referred to today as Wiccans. Consequently, the people convicted of witchcraft were burned at the stake. According

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