The Things they carried were largely determined by necessity. Among the necessities or near-necessities shirts, pants, socks I mean lots of socks, hats gloves, boots,perfume, lotion. Now what I carried from my Christmas presents are a new I Phone the reason I got a new phone is because I dropped my phone in the sink and it got really messed up. Then I got a microphone because i'm starting a you-tube channel up and the audience to hear . Also got a guitar because I love singing and I want to learn how to play it and i got a batman sticker because i painted my room into a batman room.My mother and father got a headphone because I always take their ear buds.They also got apple watches because they don't have a lot if time too to pull their
In the book, The Things They Carried, by Tim O'Brien; the men in combat carried many things, each with a specific purpose for survival. Each man carried individual items, which weighed between 12 and 18 pounds, and added onto this weight with other necessities for the whole group. The necessities the men carried depended upon a man's rate of metabolism, and their habits. All the men were required to carry large 5 lb steel helmets, and jungle boots, with a weight of 2.1 lbs. Another requirement was that all the men carry a steel centered, nylon-covered flak jacket, with a weight of 6.7lbs. In the field, a poncho was a multi-purpose treasure, and could even be used as a body carrier. What the men carried also depended on their rank, and their
The author, Tim O’Brien gives us a detailed prescription of each item that the soldiers carried with them. “The things they carried were determined by necessity” (389). Each soldier took something that has huge significance and impact with them to the war front. Also a vivid description of the reason why what was kept where gave a better insight into how important each item was to the soldiers. The use of “slangs” to describe certain things, like M&M, which meant medical supplies (392) is also a significant topic in the story. “what they carried varied by mission”, “When a mission took them to the mountains, they carried mosquito netting, machetes, canvas tarps, and extra bug juice” (393). The reality with which one can relate to soldiers’s reason for carrying what they carried, is vividly described by the author. It describes how “Kiowa always took along his
(O’Brien 104) Other more personal items were carried as a means of protecting their own psyche for some; others for mere realities of life. The soldiers carried these various objects in addition to the necessities. Items such as the Bible, photos, panty- hoes and dope all helped the soldiers cope with the war. Their function served to allow some of the soldiers to remember the past, but also concentrate on the future while staying alive.
The first layer was the necessities, such as food, lighters, canteens full of water, and clean clothes. Necessities are very important when thinking about how the soldiers kept up with their physiological needs. The next layer of the types of objects they carried, would be their weapons and safety equipment. These are significant because it not only kept them safe but, helped them feel safety and security emotionally. The next layer consists of objects that are best described as personal. These items are, but not limited to photos, good luck charms, and other items that have an emotional toll on the person who the item belongs to. These items are significant because it shows their humanity toward others and to themselves. The last layer and by far the heaviest burden the men carried, were their emotional baggage. “They carried all the emotional baggage of men who might die. Grief, terror,love, longing –these were intangibles”.(O’brien,pg.9) Jimmy Cross, held and his men carried the doubts, fear, and cowardice of their combat unit. Crosses men were doing there jobs for pride, and dignity, and because they were too afraid not to. To die of cowardice, would be unheroic and their deaths would be in
There were certain items or supplies that each soldier needed to possess that aided in their survival. Other items were discretionary or optional, not entirely important for the
To make preparations for the trip, the two captains had to buy a grand array of things in Philadelphia. His shopping list included scientific instruments such as a chronometer and a sextant, an air rifle, arms and ammunition, medicines, ink and other materials for journal keeping, and a large array of other items, including 193 pounds of portable soup, a corn mill, mosquito netting, blankets, oiled linen for making tents, candles, tools, and reference
Each soldier carried with them items, some tangible others intangible, which helped them to adapt their minds and escape from the setting so that they could survive the traumatic events taking place. “Ted Lavender carried six or seven ounces of premium dope.” “Rat Kiley carried comic books.” The soldiers in the story do not only have a physical battle to deal with but also a mental one. Most of these items were a necessity in order to bear the war. However, there were a few items that the soldiers carried not because they had to or because they needed it to survive physically but because they needed it in order to survive emotionally. One soldier carried his wife’s pantyhose; another carried a new testament. One soldier permitted his items to take control of him and become an obsession, a trauma that took his focus away from his priorities, the war, and his men.
If the soldiers found a weapon worth carrying they would pick it up such as, captured AK-47’s and black market Uzis. All of the men in the platoon carried sentimental items. Some carried good luck items and some just souvenirs from their tour. For example Jimmy Cross carried pictures and letters from a girl that didn’t love him like he wanted. Kiowa carried a bible.
This federalist paper was written by James Madison most likely in 1788. In this letter he addresses the concerns of some that the Constitution will endanger the people by granting too much power to the federal government and usurping power from the states. In the first paragraph Madison asks many questions of the reader which all infer that his point is that the states will indeed lose some of their sovereignty, but it is necessary for the happiness of the citizens. He argues, essentially, that the federal government must be granted the actual capacity to do what it is every state wants it to do, such as protect them from foreign enemies. Madison assures the audience that the amount of power he is suggesting granting to a centralized government
“The Things They Carried” is a story based on the soldiers’ experiences in the Vietnam War and their experiences after the war. The story begins with a character named Jimmy Cross, who is the Lieutenant of the Alpha Company. Jimmy Cross carries letters from a girl named Martha, who he dated before he joined the army. He also carries her good luck pebble in his mouth. The narrator later describes items the other soldiers in the Company are carrying. Some of the items were insect repellant, knives, and chewing gum. The items the soldiers had carried were based on their priorities. For instance, Henry Dobbins carried his girlfriend panty hose since he was superstitious. Ted Lavender carried tranquilizer pills to keep himself calm and Kiowa carried the New Testament to show his religious beliefs. The items that they carried were also based by their rank and what they specialized in. For example, Lieutenant Cross carried maps and the lives of the soldiers, due to his rank. Rat Kiley carried supplies for serious wounds, malaria tablets, and morphine since he was the medic.
“The things they carried were determined to some extent by superstition. Lieutenant Cross carried his good-luck pebble. Dave Jensen carried a rabbit 's foot. Norman Bowker, otherwise a very gentle person, carried a thumb that had been presented to him as a gift by Mitchell Sanders”
Many of the soldiers carried personal possession from back home to remind them of the life they had left. Jimmy Cross carried a picture of Martha and letters she wrote to him. Jimmy Cross also carried the pebble Martha sent to him from the Jersey shore. This would remind him of how he yearned to be back at home with her. Kiowa carried
Like most my age, I am always equipped with a smart phone. Many would deem it necessary in this day and age. Some people get them as young as 10 years old. I only carry one per my parent's request. Not to say that I don’t enjoy the perks of having it with me: access to any answer for any question that might be asked, the capability to talk to my family and friends at any given moment throughout the day, and plenty of applications to screw around with if I find myself with extra time. It weighs almost nothing, so light that at any given moment I will panic because I worry I lost it. It holds a different kind of weight though. It is heavy in the moments that it is “lost”, when there is a fear that it is not with me,
Thorough out life we need to choose a path in life. This is the hardest decision we can make because this is what determines our future and not choosing the right one can lead to poverty or sadness for the rest of our lives. Choosing between our parents can be one decision but which parent do we chose? We love both of them equally but how will they feel when you pick the other? Another issue is choosing what to do with your life in total. Not all of us know what we want to do in life and our parents just telling us to do what’s best doesn’t always help. Which path do we take? How do we know what’s better for us? Even having to choose can lead to sadness, so what do we do?
Gender alludes to the obligations, responsibilities, and roles of women and men and ladies that are made in our cultures, societies, and families. Similarly, the idea of gender likewise incorporates the desires held about the qualities, aptitudes and likely practices of masculinity and femininity. Gender roles can be learned, vary between and with within cultures upon having the ability to change with time. Gender is modified by different social separation, and they include; ethnicity, political status, class, mental and physical disability age and that’s only a tip (Marcus, Charles, Benita, Hernalinda, Pablo & Felipe, 2004). Gender concept is indispensable because connected to social science; it uncovers how men ‘s domination or subordination of women is a social perspective. Consequently, it is also applied science construction in that men and women has different unalterable roles in the societal setting though gender role is not predetermined biologically not it is not fixed forever. Male and female gender roles comprise of distinctive work duties and responsibilities, knowledge, the basic process of decision making, however, there are as yet social desires which guide the concept of what it implies to female or male.