
The Things They Carried Passage Analysis

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The Things They Carried

War is an ugly thing that tends to affect people in different ways and thus people cope in different ways: Some people go insane, some become numb, some turn to drugs, and some process their thoughts by writing. All of these responses are present in The Things They Carried. There is not necessarily one right way to respond to the horrors of war, or life in general, but some insight can be gained by comparing how different characters in the book coped and how they turned out. Different responses exemplified by characters in The Things They Carried are writing, drug use, and loss of humanity. These responses can give insight into different facets of human nature. One of the ways Tim O’Brien attempts to cope with the …show more content…

In doing so, he is breaking the fourth wall and interrupting the flow of the story in order emphasize to the reader that writing is important in helping him deal with these experiences and in conveying what he felt to the reader. Interestingly, In the chapter Good Form, he bluntly states that he has has made most of the stories in the book up and then points out why he did it. “I want you to feel what I felt. I want you to know why story-truth is truer sometimes than happening-truth.” (170) O’Brien makes it clear that the affect the war has had on him is so impactful, that even his memories which predate it impacted by events that happened during. For example, in On The Rainy River. when he is contemplating whether or not he should dodge the draft by jumping off of a …show more content…

Difficult experiences, and war in particular, pull the comforting rug of absolute moral truth out from under people’s feet and shows them a realistic picture of the world, of others, and of themselves. How this affects any given person and how they cope is a test of true character, and examining how people react to war provides insight into human nature

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