
The Threat Of Global Economy

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Our global economy is consuming renewable resources rapidly than we can restore and demand has overreached the support of natural systems. Our twenty-first century civilization is encountering an outgrowing capacity, which is moving us onto an economic path that is not environmentally sustainable. Today, we face many environmental problems that put us at risk in achieving long-term sustainability, but we all have the decision to take action and move onto a path that sustains economic progress or watch our modern economy decline and collapse. We cannot say that we do not have the resources to move the world onto a path that can sustain progress because we do have the resources, but we need to respond to these threats at a rapid speed. We are also not the first civilization to face environmentally and economic decline. Past societies that have collapsed are relevant to the environmental problems we face today because they are our main threats, we thereby have the opportunity to learn from the past. The greatest threats we are presently facing to sustain humanity include, deforestation, global climate change, overfishing, population growth, consumption of cheap energy sources, and failing states, which can most likely be solved by introducing a new economic system that meets all the basic needs for everyone 's satisfaction and that is powered by abundant sources of renewable energy.
To begin with, the consumption of cheap energy sources is a great threat to sustainability

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