
The Threats To Sea Otters

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In the 1700, the Sea Otter population across the Pacific coast ranged from 150,000 to 300,000. This skyrocketing population was before the maritime fur trade that lasted till the 1900’s. By that time, there were less than 2000 Sea Otters.

The Sea Otter is one of the smallest marine mammals in the world. Male Otters are approximately 150 cm long and weigh about 45 kilograms. They have a extremely small ears, black eyes, and long stiff whiskers. Their large teeth are used to crush hard materials such as shells and their dense but soft fur is used as protection from the cold. It is used as an insulator by air being trapped between the coarse hairs on their bodies. Out of all of the mammals, the Sea Otter has the finest and thickest fur. They …show more content…

They like to settle in areas with kelp beds to wrap around themselves when they are slumbering. Sea Otters rarely travel and only do if they are in search for food. They are not independent animals. They live in groups called pods that can range from 10 to 1000 members. The mammals are split into two groups, female otters and pups interact in one group and males in another.

There are many threats to Sea Otters. The death of these mammals are mainly caused by food shortages, but oil spills are the larger threat. If their fur is soiled by oil, the fur can no longer be used as an insulator. This results in the mammal not being able to sustain body heat. Predators such as Killer Whales, Bald Eagles, Sharks, and humans are also threats. Bald Eagles are the main cause of the death of pups and Humans are harmful because of how we contaminate the water.

The recovery of the Sea otter population started in 1911 and saved the Alaskan and California populations. It was unfortunately too late to save the population in British Columbia as well. In 1969 to 1972, there were 89 otters brought back to British Columbia and the population is increasing by 18.9% each year. The species worldwide population has now gone up to approximately 150 …show more content…

In the Marine Mammal Regulations, it is an offence to harass, harm, or kill marine animals. Under the Canada Parks Act, killing, capturing, trading, harassing, or destroying a habitat is

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