
The Three Temptations Of Moses And Jesus

Satisfactory Essays

1.Read Philippians 2:5-8 and briefly describe the direction Jesus’ life took.

The direction that the life of Jesus took was one of humility as he emptied himself to the point of being the form of a human despite the fact that he was in the form of God (Philippians 2:5-8, Common English Bible).

2.Read John 1:1-3. What other familiar passage in Scripture does this remind you of?

It is very familiar to Genesis 1 as both are tellings of the story of creation and serves the purpose of asserting Christ's power as being the creator (Merrick, 2015).

3.In what ways does the textbook say that Jesus is similar to Moses and David?

Much like Moses and David as described in the Hebrew Bible, Jesus was a great leader and deliverer which both were key characteristics of both Moses and David (Merrick, 2015).

4.Briefly summarize the parable of the sower from Mark 4.

There is a sower who sows a seed which falls on a path, a rocky, and among the thorns, all of which were there was little growth. However when it fell on good soil, it had fruit which grew yields of thirty, sixty, and a hundredfold (Mark 4:1-9).

5.Briefly list the three temptations of Jesus from Matthew 4.

When Jesus was in the wilderness, Satan tempted him by encouraging Jesus to turn stones to become bread, to throw himself down as angels would catch him, and that Satan would give Jesus everything if he would worship Satan (Matthew 4:1-10).

6.How is Jesus described in 1 Corinthians 1:24 and John 1:1?

Jesus is

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