
The Tragedy Of Othello, The Moor

Good Essays

The Tragedy of Othello, the Moor the Venice:
The Fall of A Man for His Race

José Pineda.

Professor Arzola
English 2322
5 July 2015

Thesis: The tragedy of Othello, the Moor of Venice written by William Shakespeare, the author uses a characters to express the complex social circumstance of race at the time and how the white men’s ideas about black people leads to their hate and downfalls throughout the play.
Sociological Approach.
I. Summary plot.
II. Description of the main characters and racial influence on the plot.
A. Iago, and his motives of racism.
B. Brabantio, and induced racism.
C. Roderigo, subliminal racism caused by heartbreak.
D. Othello, negatively influenced by his feeling of being rejected by society because of his skin color.
E. Desdemona and her position about racism.

The Tragedy of Othello, the Moor the Venice:
The Fall of A Man for His Race.

The equality we share today as people of different races are somewhat of a modern concept. Although the sense of equality has been an idea over the centuries, the notion of black people being inferior was very common and shared throughout Europe during the sixteenth century. The Tragedy of Othello, the Moor of Venice written by William Shakespeare, the author uses a characters to express the complex social circumstance of race at the time and how the white men’s ideas about black people leads to their hate and downfalls throughout the play.
Roderigo is discussing the marriage between

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