
The Tragic Flaw Of Sophocles ' Antigone

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The Tragic Flaw in Antigone
Classical Greek tragedy Antigone by Sophocles, shows the tragic flaw by defining Creon destruction who put a young girl sentence to death. Creon was a king of Thebes, he was a tyrant who liked to enforce his laws on people. In Antigone Creon demonstrated as a tragic hero, who obligated an action and made mistakes which caused his downfall he believed that he can’t ever be wrong. His stubbornness cost a lot of people lives including his son. Creon suffered greatly in Antigone and learned a valuable lesson. Creon had chances to way out for his mistake, to free Antigone, and to forgive her crime. But he chooses not to because of his self-importance. This also shows that Creon is fated. Sophocles defined Creon character more on the negative side. Because there should be something that created a tragedy in Antigone.
Creon role defines that he hated those women who failed to obey his laws. This explains that he considered as a negative character in Antigone. Sophocles demonstrated Creon in this play because if there would be no one who punish Antigone for her disobedience, Antigone would become a ruler. Does it consider a crime to do what you believe is right? Do people will put you to death if you disobey man-made law? These questions go to Antigone’s life. She would do anything that make her feels agreeable from inside. Antigone character explained the role of a heroine. Her actions helped the people to understand the importance of following

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