
The Trolleyey Problem

Decent Essays

Morality is a human construct Morality is definitely a human production as it is evidently that human creates rules based on morally correct or incorrect. The definition of moral relativism is the position that moral or ethical propositions do not reflect objective or universal moral truths, but instead make claims refer social, cultural, historical or personal circumstances. In the ethical view that there are no absolute or universal moral truths. It follows from this view that people with opposing moral viewpoints can equally be right. The three trolley problem issue provides an evidence to moral relativism as different reactions occur based on various circumstances.

The general form of the trolley problem was first introduced …show more content…

Similar to the first situation, there is a trolley is hurtling down the railway toward five people. You are on a bridge under which the trolley will go pass, and you can stop it by putting an obstacle in front of it to stop the trolley. As it happens, there is a fat man next you. The decision needs to be made by either pushing the fat man off the bridge or killing 4 people. Similarly, the decision has to be made between save or scarifies the majority, however, the situation is ethically different in my point of view comparing to the first scenario. Even you may argue that it is about reacting to save more people, I believe the action behind saving 4 people’s lives unlike the action you take in the first one. I will save the people on the railway by pushing the fat man off the bridge theoretically, however, I wouldn’t react like that in real life. This is because saving more people’s life is in accordance with general moral rules, but without considering the action. This time if I push the man off the bridge, it is equal to murder as the man is innocent and I incorporate directly in the process of killing the man, won’t you feel guilty because you become a murderer. As a result, I won’t push the man off the bridge to save the other 4 people due to several of the

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