
The True Mark Of Spirituality

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Knowing God’s will is sometimes difficult because it requires patience. It’s natural to want to know all of God’s will at once, but that’s not how He usually works. He reveals to us a step at a time in faith and allows us to continue to trust Him. The important thing is that, as we wait for further direction, we are busy doing the good that we know to do. Often, we want God to give us specifics. We want to know where to work, where to live, who to marry, what car to buy, etc.
If we are walking closely with the Lord and truly desiring His will for our lives, God will place His desires in our hearts. The key is wanting God’s will, not our own. “Delight yourself in the LORD and He will give you the desires of your heart” (Psalm 37:4). What …show more content…

Explanation of the passage

Proverbs 3:5-6 is a familiar passage to so many. It starts off by giving us two things, a positive and a negative command. The positive is to, trust the Lord and, the negative are, not to lean on our own understanding. Those two phrases are mutually exclusive. In other words, if we trust in the Lord, we cannot lean on our own human capacity to understand what God is doing in our lives. The call of a Christian is to have so much trust that we are prepared to put the direction of our life in God’s hands.
In order for God to make sure that His people will continue trusting in Him with all their hearts, He shows us the following statement in Proverbs 3:5-6. He said, “lean not on your own understanding.” Basically our own understanding is primarily our own perceptions, because our own understanding simply will not bear the full weight of reality. It was never intended to. “To not lean on your own understanding means that you will not give first priority to your own limited perspective.” One of the problems that people have is that they think they know better than God. So many people are tempted to be wise in their own eyes.
In all your ways then, you are to acknowledge him. In all your ways, you are to live life according to wisdom and God will make your paths straight. Proverbs is talking about wisdom and how it leads to righteousness. Making paths straight then means that in following the

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