
The True Meaning Of Justice In Plato's The Republic

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Philosophers for centuries have deliberated the true meaning of justice and what it means to be a just human. Is it a social contract made by men? Or is it a virtue possessed by certain people within their souls? Plato in his book ‘The Republic’ gives us his view of how justice is a human virtue and extension of ones soul.
Socrates envisioned a city later called “the city of pigs”. His idea of an ideal utopia was people living in constraint of their basic needs. People would lead simple lives and perform tasks they were naturally good at. This way the whole city would be interdependent on each other, everyone working to their own and contributing to the economy. Farmers, builders, traders were necessary as their skills would help people gain the basic needs of life such as food, shelter and clothing. Each person performing one job would make them specialized in their trade, ensuring production remains at the highest efficiency. (Plato, the republic, 369-373) Socrates says,“And if so, we must infer that all things are produced more plentifully and easily and of a better quality when one man does one thing which is natural to him and does it at the right time, and leaves other things.” said Socrates. (Plato, the republic, 222)
Socrates does talk about three different classes that include the proletariats, the craftsmen and the traders who would reside in the city. He believed in absolute simplicity and thought that since everyone worked towards a common goal, the city would

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