
The Truth In The Things They Carried

Decent Essays

Truth can be defined as something that is not false, however, whether something is false or not is subjective. Therefore, truth itself is also subjective, as it depends on the perspective and judgement of the person. In the book The Things They Carried by Tim O’Brien, the truth is incomprehensible, and unclear which events occurred and which didn’t. Yet, this doesn’t depreciate the points he is trying to get across. “All you can do is tell it in more time, patiently, adding and subtracting, making up a few things to get at the real truth” (81). O’Brien points out how the point of a story is to relay to the public the significance of the event, and even if the actual event is changed, the truth is still intact. In any situation, each person believes that what they see is the truth, and therefore the way the interpret the situation given their experiences is valid. …show more content…

O’Brien says how “a true war story, if truly told, makes the stomach believe” (74). Consequently, the stories shared are often exaggerated, but are still legitimate because they aim to relay the feelings the person has about the topic and emphasize the points that are most significant to them. This further increases the understanding of the audience and aids them in understanding the magnitude of the situation for the speaker. O’Brien displays this when describing his decision on going to war. He says, “At some point we must’ve passed into Canadian waters, across the dotted line between two different worlds” (53). Although we don’t know whether O’Brien actually went on this trip, there is no doubt that he was conflicted over going to war. This scene helps visualize this internal strife and gives an insight into his perspective, making it the truth. Thus, something can be true if the sentiment and relevance that corresponds with it is in accord with the message the author wishes to

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