
The Unformation Of Transformation In Franz Kafka's The Metamorphosis

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Change is inevitable, nothing can be done to stop it. In The Metamorphosis, by Franz Kafka, the main character of the work refuses to change and is eventually crushed by the wheel of time. The two-sided sword of Gregor’s confinement presented him with two opportunities, to overcome how society treated him or to slink down into his shell and give up. Although the main character eventually chose the more dismal, fatalistic option, The Metamorphosis explores the numerous times Gregor could have escaped from the whirlwind of fear and hatred that consumed him. Gregor, instead of looking out for his family and working to pull his parents out of debt, instead chose the more selfish option of refusing to work and instead mimicking an insect - both in mind and body. Whether Gregor’s transformation into a bug was real or metaphysical, Gregor’s perception of himself was what truly changed within Kafka’s novel. Within existential thought, it is believed that a person who does not take their life into their own hands is a failure. This same concept holds true throughout The Metamorphosis, in that Gregor never tries to better his situation, only to wallow in his despair and admit failure at the first time he encounters conflict. Kafka’s portrayal of Gregor is deliberate, as Gregor follows the same path and makes the same mistakes that a younger Kafka experienced firsthand. The existential struggle that Gregor is forced into within The Metamorphosis is most directly shown by Gregor’s

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