
The United States And Korean Immigration History

Decent Essays

America is known internationally as a great “melting pot”. From the very beginning, the entire nation was founded on immigrants. People immigrated to America for a chance to escape the oppressive states of their own lands as well as boundless opportunity. Some of the first immigrants from Korea to the United States came in the late 1800s and early 1900s. Seo Jae-pil or Phillip Jaisohn came to America in 1884. He became a citizen in 1890 and strove to educate fellow Koreans and Americans in democracy and freedom throughout his life. Another immigrant and prominent figure in the Korean immigrant community is Ahn Chang Ho. He came to the United States in 1902 to get a better education and eventually became a political activist during the Japanese occupation of Korea. Another prominent figure in Korean immigration history is Syngman Rhee. Rhee was a Korean immigrant to the U.S. who eventually became the first president of the Republic of Korea. Rhee was educated at George Washington University in 1907 followed by his earning of a master’s degree at Harvard in 1910. These devoted Koreans found opportunity in American and thrived in the educational and political field. Other early Korean immigrants did not end up in the scholarly field, however. Some of the first laborers from Korea immigrated to Hawaii in 1903 on January 13. This day is now recognized as Korean-American Day. These laborers were brought in to aid the preexisting Japanese and Chinese laborers. Immigrants traveled

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