
The United States Postal Service

Decent Essays

The United States Postal Service (USPS) has been served as government institute since 1971. During the nineteenth century, the USPS contributed to many people in several ways across the United Stated. The twentieth century brought significant growth to the USPS, including different size of package delivery service and airmail. Over the past decade, however, it has to compete with electronic mail and various package delivery companies and it causes to have bad result. The USPS faced with decreasing of total mail volume. The loss of income has induced the USPS to consider changing their system of service such as shortage of delivery days. The online article in a national newspaper (Source C) refers ‘customers are continuing to migrate to the Internet and to cheaper standard-mail options’ and this causes to find new service system such as an ‘end to Saturday deliveries, longer delivery times for letters and packages, higher postage-stamp prices that exceed the rate of inflation, and the potential for future layoffs.’ I agree the USPS need to make some significant changes at this point. However, I think that they need opposite way to continuing their services such as getting into the e-business, increase service, and advertise with coupons (Source A). The 2009 annual report of the United States Postal Service (Source B) shows the problems in a graphic. Since 2000 to 2009, mail volumes are decreasing whereas the delivery points are increasing and the employees are decreasing.

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