
The Unjust Treatment Of Japanese Americans

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The Unjust Treatment of Japanese Americans
A series of unfortunate events would soon unfold on the Japanese American race. Terror and fear hung over individuals when they were not allowed to do the same things they have done in the past. It was time to start a new life, in a whole new place, with different people they have not yet met before. It was the beginning of a new age for the Japanese Americans, and it was also one they would have to seek through in order to make it to the end. Events started to turn on December of 1941 where the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor. This struck terror on the United States and panic spread throughout the country. The deepened fear of the Americans caused the relocation of Japanese Americans to relocate to one of several internment camps. Taking away the Japanese Americans away from their home, especially when their documents were legalized stating they were citizens of the United States of America, was a violation of their rights here in the U.S. In a war where the U.S. bravely fought to preserve liberty, the Japanese American Internment stands out immeasurably, as a violation of the civil and human rights of tens of thousands of families.
Disaster first struck on February 19, 1942, where Franklin D. Roosevelt signed the Executive Order 9066 which thereby gathered all the Japanese Americans and relocated them to one of the 10 internment camps (Gruenewald, p 48). A man by the title of General DeWitt, advised Franklin D. Roosevelt to gather

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