
The Untold Story Of Americas Largest Slave Revolt

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“The Untold Story of Americas Largest Slave Revolt”, published in 2012, in Harper Collins Publishers, written by Daniel Rasmussen. A story in which it has been neglected through time. From the beginning to the end in 1803 to 1860. A few courageous men stood up against slavery to attempt the largest revolt in U.S. history. Fighting for justice and a chance of freedom. But the other side attempts to prevent to clear what happened from history and to prevent any other slave retaliations. Rasmussen’s history can be broken down easily for the readers’ attention. From the beginning, first explaining of New Orleans being on point with its commercial farming zones and the upper hand in the Atlantic slave trade. The untold stories on how and where these conspiracies began to spark an uprising. Second, the battling for death or for freedom, the slave did know this, so it was a point of no return when initiated. How tactics were used and how it began to where an army was built to clear its own path in history. Third, how French planters intended to clear up the history of the revolt so that it would not have enough breathing room to spark another uprising in the future. In the eighteenth Century, “Slave owners expanded their hold on the North American Continent, churning through new land and bringing slaves from the older states to the newer, through a vast new domestic slave trade,” (Rasmussen, 2015 pg. 186) which would become the nation’s top state in the slave trade. At times

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