
The Use of Parallelism in Fahrenheit 451 Essays

Decent Essays

The book that will be reviewed is Fahrenheit 451, written by Ray Bradbury. The author used the effect of parallelism extremely well by showing the similarities of both then and now. In the following paragraphs we're going to encounter these parallelisms, we will compare the book to the time period in which it was written, and our own time period post September 11. Before we can do this we must first get to know the author and the era in which it was based off of just a bit.

To get a clear view and understanding of the book, first must review the time period in history. The book was written in the mid 1950's during the cold war. Former General McCarthy, then U.S. Senator started a fire ball of suspicion, suppression, and …show more content…

People in that time period just wanted to distance themselves from anyone on the list due to the government's overwhelming power, and the intense fear of losing everything they had. This society lived when communism was feared; it ate up the freedoms they had in their society. The rights and freedoms that were once taken for granted were now longed for. Now that there is a brief understanding of the time period we can now take a look at the book.

The governmental control of the society in Fahrenheit 451 is unbelievable; it's unbelievable to think that the government could have so much control. The government has so much control due to the loss of individuality caused by conformity. According to the author, "They all say the same things and nobody says anything different from anyone else" (Bradbury 31). This was done in several ways; some of the ways were through the lack of books, education (or what we believe education to be), and the lack of teachers. The influence (pure control) of the government over the media, education, and any literature that was available to the public. The media and entertainment is controlled by the government to the point that its citizens have better relationships with media personalities than with their own families. The government grasped the rights of education by not educating and allowing its students to run a muck. According to the author, "Clarisse - I'm afraid of children my own age. They kill each other" (Bradbury

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