
The Use of Pre-natal Genetic Diagnosis

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Pre-natal genetic diagnosis was first used in 1989, after the introduction of in vitro fertilization. In the first cases, pre-natal genetic diagnosis (PGD) was used to determine the sex of patients carrying certain X-linked genes. PGD is now more widely used for selective pregnancy termination and can allow for sperm selection in order to display certain genes or prevent certain genes and diseases from developing. When it comes to the topic of pre-natal genetic diagnosis, one controversial issue has been whether there should be limits on what can be controlled or changed about a child through embryo screening and what. On the one hand, Christians argue that no one should screen embryos because they are trying to “play God” and others oppose PGD because it is killing more lives than it is bringing into the world. On the other hand, couples like S.M and C.D, a lesbian couple from the United States contend that PGD and embryo screening should be used to use a deaf sperm donor so they could have a deaf children. My own view is pre-natal genetic diagnosis can be used to prevent a children from being that would have a genetic defect, but should not be allowed to purposely have a disabled child. For those who oppose alteration or destruction of human embryos, pre-natal genetic diagnosis is never suitable because it necessarily involves one or both. Major oppositions to PDG are those with strong religious beliefs, especially Christians, and others with resilient moral standards.

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