
The Utopian And Dystopian Texts

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The Utopian and Dystopian texts represent the composer’s reaction to the concerns they perceive in their contemporary society, often presented in a flawed imaginary world. These concerns often reflect the composer’s thesis on the human condition, and as such, these texts generally seek to serve as a rhetorical device that inspires its generation to question their own society. Thomas More’s 1516 satirical novel Utopia, condemns the damaging leadership of King Henry VIII presented through the contrasting nature of England in Book: 1 and the imperfect Utopia in Book: 2. Andrew Niccol 's film; Gattaca (1997) addresses the controversial invention of genetically produced 'test-tube ' babies, by envisioning a world with a new elite based on genetic superiority. Bong Joon-Ho’s Snowpiercer (2013) takes place aboard the globe-spanning Snowpiercer train, which holds the last remnants of humanity and provides an allegory of class culture and social disparity due to the fact that each of the carriage holds a specific social class. All three texts while commenting on different social issues address the concerns that the composer felt was the greatest flaw in their contemporary society.

Utopia gives a subtle voice to More’s scathing critiques on greedy incompetence of King Henry VIII, by presenting controversial solutions implemented in ‘utopian’ societies such as Utopia and Tallstoria, in the hope of creating a real debate on More’s fundamental concerns in his society. While Book 1

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