
The Value Of Freedom In 1984 And George Orwell's 1984

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The characters presented in Fritz Lang’s film Metropolis and George Orwell’s novel 1984 are unique in terms of their personalities however share similar values of freedom, purity and honesty. As a result, the comparative representation of characters in these texts has substantially informed my understanding that composers affirm values like individuality, freedom and equality in order to respond to contextual concerns and warn of a future where these values would not exist. Both 1984 and Metropolis exhibit the idea of how an individual can develop a sense of rebellion and resistance due to the dissatisfaction of the society’s governing body; driving the individual to in some cases overrule the system and ultimately achieve freedom. From his experiences as a member of the imperial police in Burma, George Orwell saw first-hand the oppression that the social hierarchy was causing, thus being the source for his value for equality and freedom. As a result Orwell portrays a society where such freedom does not exist, evident when Winston’s narration in his diary depicts how he can only silently challenge the Party’s suppression of basic human instincts; ‘always in your stomach there was a dull protest, that you were cheated of something you had a right to’. The metaphor represents Winston’s hopeless rebellion, as he generates thoughts of suspicion of the Big Brother Party. As a result of Winston’s inclination towards a sense of rebellion, Room 101 is employed by Orwell as an

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