
The Vampire Evolution Of The Novel ' Vampire '

Decent Essays

Dalia Rebin Asti
HUM 102
The Vampire Evolution

From all the way back to when the Romantic period started around the 18th century right up to today’s 21st century, vampires have completely evolved. They went from being heartless bloodthirsty killers to supernatural creatures that just want to live a normal life. From the beginning vampires have been night walkers that sleep throughout the day due to them being prone to sunburn, they’ve always had this peculiar yet charming attraction about them, and have a constant thirst for blood. Throughout this time period many detailed elements and features have been added to the vampire’s life cycle. The Vampyre by John Polidori was written in 1819 which was when vampires were newly introduced to the world. In this text we have the innocent victim Aubrey who ends up meeting this unusual but attractive man named Lord Ruthven who was a vampire all along. Focusing on Lord Ruthven, he was a pale and quite strange man that attracted females very easily. He was very secretive and would suddenly vanish out of nowhere. When Aubrey agreed to go travelling with Lord Ruthven, he came across a woman he was attracted to named Ianthe; she enlightened him about vampires and warned him to be aware since they exist. Oddly, she ends up getting killed by one which is Lord Ruthven within that same week. I’ve noticed while doing this project that vampires don’t want humans to know who they really are and if they find out they

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