
The Veldt Literary Analysis

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In the story The Veldt, by Ray Bradbury, a family lives in a smart home in the future. The children, Wendy and Peter, spend most of their time in a virtual reality room called the nursery. The the parents ,George and Lydia, realise that the kids have been simulating Africa in the room and the parents become scared and want their kids to go somewhere else. When they try to turn it off, the kids go wild and kill their parents with the virtual lions. In my opinion, the parents, George and Lydia, are to blame for their own deaths. George and Lydia didn’t apply any limitations which caused the kids to go crazy after the house was turned off. Near the start of the story, George said “When I punished him a month ago, by locking the nursery for even a few hours - the tantrum be threw.” This proves my point because it shows how the parents allowed their kids to use the technology and allow them to become too reliant on it, causing them to become very angry and moody, and as we know, angry enough to kill their parents. …show more content…

This room is their mother and father, far more important in their lives than their real parents. And now you come along and want to shut it off. No wonder there’s hatred here” This also proves my point because it shows how David is directly blaming the parents for their children becoming angry and moody towards

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