
The Veldt Literary Analysis

Decent Essays

Ray Bradbury seems to forecast the long term effects of children with technology in his short story The Veldt. In today’s society, it is a very common site to see small children playing on an electronic device. The lack of communication and emotional connection between children and their parents due to technology seems to be the possible down fall of the traditional family. Is Ray Bradbury’s The Veldt a possible prediction of how all of this technology could affect the traditional family structure?
Bradbury seems to be on to something when his story describes the down fall of a once traditional but now futuristic family. While living in their thirty thousand dollar Happy Life Home, the Hadley’s think they are living the dream. The house has so much technology that it caters to the family’s every need. The technology of the house soon falls in the hands of the children who then use it in the destruction of their parents. The beginning of the story sounds like something our society is inching quickly towards. Nowadays, most children know how to work electronic devices more than their parents. What does this say about future technological advances and the children that …show more content…

In Tracy M. Caldwell’s critical analysis of the story, she tells the effects of parent and child conflict. She states, “One of the major conflicts in this story involves the extent to which George and Lydia spoil their children in the absence of any form of discipline or control over their behavior…The parents are unable to anticipate the problem associated with giving in to their children's every desire” (The Negative Effects of Parent and Child Conflict, para. 3). The parents do not realize that they are causing more problems by submitting to their children then they are taking charge and being responsible parents. The technology has enabled them, and has caused their authoritative figures to be

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