
Seraphina As A Villain In Someone Else's Story

Decent Essays

People often say that “every person is the hero of their own story.” What they don’t tell you is that sometimes you are the villain in someone else’s story. Sometimes we unintentionally hurt people without knowing. Being the villain in someone else's life doesn’t always mean purposely being evil. Sometimes it means hurting someone emotionally, stabbing their wounds, and being completely oblivious to it. This is the story of the time I learned that lesson the hard way.
When I moved to California at the age of nine, and lived there for three years, I went through a life-changing experience. Unfortunately, my family couldn’t afford a house, so we lived with my Uncle’s family. Living with other people wasn’t exactly fun; it was stressful. However, even during this time I was able to make an amazing friend. …show more content…

We instantly became good friends, and spent much time together. She told me about her school life, how she was bullied, and how her relationship with her family was strained. Seraphina was hurt, and at the time, who was better to tell your worries to besides the person who saw you live through them daily? Sadly, our relationship went up in flames too quickly.
Eventually I was overwhelmed, and took my stress out on Seraphina. I drowned myself in school work, avoided everyone at home, shot dirty glares, and showed tons of attitude. Even when Seraphina came to me in tears, I turned her away. It never once crossed my mind to check on her, completely forgetting she had no one else. I often think, I should have tried harder to lift myself out of my own troubles, and think bigger than things that affected me. I never thought that to Seraphina, the villain of her life wasn’t her family, or her bullies, but me, who promised to be there when everyone else

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