
The Violent Myth Of Appalachia Essay

Best Essays

Brooks 3


Appalachian Literature
Julie A. Brooks
November 17, 2016

the violent myth of appalachia
Appalachia may be the most misconceived region in the United States. To many Americans, Appalachia has been thought of as a poverty stricken, backwards, violent region, and to some it still is perceived as such. Often it has been labeled with titles such as hillbilly, redneck, moonshiner, and feudists. Appalachia?s residents are seen as lazy, non-trusting, drunk, illiterate, and in need of a savior to pull them out of the darkness into the light. This research paper will seek to challenge the myth of a violent Appalachia by describing documented proof that violence in Appalachia is not, as most thought, a product of its geographical location, or because its people are isolated. Violence in Appalachia was, just as in other areas of America, a result of tensions and frustration that was deep seeded in the fabric of all American society.
To understand the concepts of violence in Appalachia, it is imperative to explain how Appalachia is defined. The Appalachian Region, as defined in ARC 's authorizing legislation, is a 205,000-square-mile region that follows the spine of the Appalachian Mountains from southern New York to northern Mississippi. It includes all West Virginia and parts of 12 other states: Alabama, Georgia, Kentucky, Maryland, Mississippi, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, South Carolina,

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