
The Vision Of President Patil

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For over three decades, India has experienced massive economic growth, and over the past five years, it has averaged an astounding 7% annual GDP growth rate. Conventional wisdom would say that this would have a deep impact on the everyday lives of Indian citizens, and it has. However, some of India’s population has received a far greater benefit than others. Even though India seems to be thriving on the surface, there are some deep seeded impediments to it maximizing its full potential and fully revolutionizing the lives of all its citizens. President Patil recognized the importance of making sure that growth not only occurred, but also that it benefitted the greatest amount of people in the process.
The vision of President Patil holds a sense of optimism about the power of economic growth to drive India into a utopic future. However, what India has experienced has been vastly different. Instead of inclusive growth, many Indians have been left behind, which has caused a crisis of inequality. Corbridge believes that a disconnect between the potential for growth and India’s reality has been caused by “bad inequalities”, which has left many Indians still in poverty. In this paper, I will examine Corbridge’s claims that government failures in education, healthcare, and the labor market has led to bad inequalities. I will then examine proposed solutions to eliminate these inequalities and help India maximize its full potential.
Before investigating the stymieing effects that

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