
The War I Left Men Wound Mentally And Physically

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For World War I left men wound mentally and physically. About thirty-one percent of the men were either wounded in the line of fire or had nightmares of what happen in the trenches (Brose, 111). For example, a soldier named Paul saw his fellow soldier, Behm get struck in the eye with a shell in the line of fire (Remarque, 12). These sights caused men to repress their worries because they did not want to die in the war. In order for them to survive, they had to come to the realization to repress the questions of why they were fighting and what they were fighting for out of their minds (Remarque, 138). By the 1920’s the warfare had increased, but in a way that was not on the battlefields and was caused by political parties going against …show more content…

Moreover, the Russian Revolution was the outcome of the communist party wanting to have complete control over the citizens in Russia. They displayed this idea with their thoughts about removing the practice of religion. They saw religion as an “opium,” for they believed it caused the people to be inactive –mainly the working class (Brose, 167). For they saw religion as a malicious idea, which caused them to see churches as a danger to the bourgeoisie because they believed that the proletarians were planning evil events against them (Brose, 167). Eisenstein demonstrated the communist oppression of religion with the jester on the cross in the priest’s hand as being a weapon (Bordwell, 66). When the priest in Battleship Potemkin was stroking the cross as a dagger. Another example in the film was when he was tapping the cross in hand while the guards were getting ready to kill the workers. He tapped the cross three times like a hypnotist hypnotizing them from shooting the workers. This perspective that Stalin and the communist party had made a major impact on the culture within Russia, just like other political groups had done in other countries, especially in Germany. Germany after World War I and around the time of the Russian Revolution had experienced a culture change. People within Europe had begun to attend theaters, athletic events, and more to escape from the reality of the aftermath of the wars (Brose, 145). During

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