
The Social Learning Model Used In The Prison System

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States are under a burden that seems to be growing out of control. Since “the war on drugs” the prison population has increased exponentially, and the states are trying to keep up with the burden of housing, feeding, and giving medical treatment to prisoners. The state’s financial burden in becoming great and the government is starting to look at treatment measures that could save money. Substance abuse is an overwhelming factor in crime, for example 50% of homicides involve drugs and alcohol. (Parks, G., Marlatt, A. 1999) Treating offenders for substance problems could make the difference in recidivism rates. There are several models of programs the state should consider when deciding treatment options for offenders. The state …show more content…

2009) Another step in the social learning model is group sessions which are also beneficial to treatment of addicts. Surrounded by people who support and understand an addict is crucial for an addict’s treatment. Groups tend to hold each other accountable, which teaches responsibility to offenders. Peer groups also steer addicts from “hanging around” the same crowd that could lead to the same destructive pattern. Programs that involved the social learning model are financially responsible, and could save tax payers money. These programs run correctly can give maximum results with limited funds. Social learning model is the current popular theory used in prison systems and should be approved on for more success. (Van Voorhis, P., Braswell, M & Lester, D. 2009)
Cognitive –behavioral model is also a good model to start or improve in the penal system. The cognitive-behavioral model is very similar to social learning model, because it teaches you how to change bad behavior. (Wanberg, K. & Milkman, K. 1998) Other similarities in both models is the potential of helping inmates with a minimual budget. The councilors teach how to change behavior. The theory is that substance abuse is not the fault of the addict, but it is the addict’s responsibility to change the behavior. Counselors will point out and explain the connection between the destructive behaviors that lead to the abuse of substances such as alcohol and drugs.
The use of relapse prevention programs has

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