
The Wheatfield With Crows By Vincent Willem Van Gogh Essay

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Description The “Wheatfield with crows” Was painted by the Post-Impressionist Vincent Willem Van Gogh. The final date of this painting is known but Letters suggest that it was completed around Vincent’s death and is thought by some to be his last painting. The Wheatfield with crows was painted onto a double square canvas that Vincent had started using in the last few weeks of his life. The painting depicts a cloudy sky over a empty wheat field except for a few black crowes. The wheat field is split by a dirt foot path that forks into three directions with green grass running down both sides of the path. In the sky there are two light blue circles that resemble a moon. The wheat in the field is a golden yellow which contrasts with the dark blue sky that uses a mixture of black, purple and blue. The green grass has been mixed with the yellow of the wheat to create lime green and the dirt path uses a mix of brown and light green. The brush strokes are clearly visible and have not consistent paint thickness no small details are made. The painting is set drawing the day but the sky is darkened by the stormy weather. Vincent talks about some paintings in a letter a the time of this painting “vast fields of wheat under troubled skies”(1). Black crows fly in from the distance from the top left corner and across the centre of the painting. Analysis Van Gogh immediately adopted a brighter palette after seeing work by Adolphe Joseph Thomas Monticelli 's which you can see in works

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