
The Plain Near Auxers By Vincent Van Gogh

Satisfactory Essays

This essay discusses the Plain Near Auxers. It was made by Vincent Van Gogh in 1890. This piece of work reminds me of the farmland we have in the valley of california without mountains. It has grass, crops, a barn, and haystacks.
In brief, this painting is 2-dimensional art.He used the clouds to make it really look like it was shading the crops, hay, grass, and the sky which is exquisite. It was made with water soluble paint which makes it more difficult but most divine that’s rare.The way he made the haystacks look in 2-dimensional was pretty nicely. The crops he painted were even in good paint as they had looked like carrots,corn, and collard greens.
Furthermore, I think he did a great job on his coloring on this painting. The clouds

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