
The Wide Spread Problem Of Graffiti Culture

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Graffiti art is a world wide spread problem, it does not just occur in one part of the world. As stated, “ Professor Snyder, 40, argues that while graffiti culture emerged around the same time as hip-hop, in the early 1970s, graffiti in fact comes from a variety of cultural sources” (Chan, 2009, p.1). For a fact, it is not a specific type of person doing it either, these petty crimes. It could be anyone around you: Whatever their class, race, ethnicity religion, or age, writers define themselves not by what they look like, or what language they speak, or what clothes they wear, but by what they do. Their identities are as writers first, and as members of ethnic, religious, and other subgroups second (Chan, 2009, P.1).
In the beginning it was …show more content…

Or why would someone draw that. For example, “ [f]or many who catch sight of a tag or a mural on a wall, their glance leads quickly to speculation as to why someone wrote that word or drew an image in such a place” (Halsey & Young, 2006, p.3). Many questions asked and are only answered by, “ [t]he sociality of shared peer activity is another important reason why writers are attracted to graffiti culture” ( Halsey & Young, 2006, p.4). “Academic writing on graffiti has approached it in a number of ways, encompassing its analysis as sociological subculture, as juvenile delinquency, as a historical phenomenon and as a regulatory problem” (Halsey & Young, 2006, p.2). There is said that many young adults like to do graffiti art because it causes a rush through there body they get. A reaction that feels good enough for them to express themselves over graffiti. A theory was shared, “[b]roken windows theory,” which holds that low-level and petty crimes, if not addressed, create an atmosphere conductive to more serious and violent crimes” (Chan, 2009, p.2). Many believe if they do not stop crimes young or discipline kids at a young age it cause more violent people in the future. Graffiti is not just a crime in many ways it is more than people see it as just like shared, “ I'm not trying to make an argument that graffiti is art and not vandalism,” Professor snyder said in a phone interview, “I hope I’ve made it clear that it’s both” (Chan, 2009, p.2). “[t]he shifting threshold between ‘art’ and ‘vandalism’: writers’ reactions to ‘blank’ surfaces and ‘clean’ spaces, with other criminal activities” (Halsey & Young, 2006, p.2). Every empty place is a new canvas for an artist for someone who looks to

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