
The Wolf Of Wall Street : An Animal Inside

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Ryan Gandy Approaches to Film Lacefield April 7, 2016 The Wolf of Wall Street: An Animal Inside Martin Scorsese’s The Wolf of Wall Street introduces the life of Jordan Belfort. Based on a real-life person, Leonardo DiCaprio’s character is a sexually obsessed drug-addict who begins to accumulate his wealth through founding his firm Stratton Oakmont. He and his first-in-command, Donny Azoff, use securities fraud and money laundering to achieve immense wealth, and support their extravagant lifestyle. Eventually, however, Agent Patrick Denham, the FBI, and the SEC catch on to Belfort’s illegal activities, and bring down his empire. Throughout this film, drug use, the concept of a rise and fall, Freud’s Id, voice over, and the fourth wall …show more content…

One such scene is when Belfort takes Quaaludes before he has to go to the country club to speak with his informant about the FBI. He believes he made it home safely, only to find out that he wrecked his car, along with about half of his neighborhood on the way back. His complete dependence on drugs is portrayed in the scene where he is facing death due to his yacht sinking in a storm. As he holds his wife Naomi, facing probable doom, he screams at Donny to “find the ‘Ludes” because he refuses “to die sober.” As in other crime movies such as Scarface, The Wolf of Wall Street shows the extreme trajectory of Belfort’s rise and fall. He came from simpler beginnings, with what seemed to be a simple house and wife named Teresa. After becoming hooked on the Wall Street lifestyle from working at L.F. Rothschild, he begins his adventure to the top of the financial market. The pinnacle occurs with him on a yacht, partying with all of his companions. For Belfort, money is the ultimate drug, driving him to his ambition for success, and leading to his downfall. In one of his many speeches to his coworkers he told them to that “there 's no nobility in poverty. I 've been a poor man, and I 've been a rich man. And I choose rich every fucking time.” He values money above all else, and will bend and break every rule to achieve greater wealth. He even openly answers the

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