
The Women's Liberation Movement In The United States

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What is it that makes women happy? Is their happiness based on the culture the women live in? Are the things that make women happy in places such as China, Turkey, Muslim countries, Spain, and United States different? What is the effect of a woman’s perceived body image towards their overall happiness? How much does their income and marital relationship affect their overall happiness? Does their sexual quality of life affect their overall happiness? Is there a biological reason why some women are happier than others? These are just some of the questions asked during the research of this paper. To answer these questions would be a massive undertaking, instead this paper will look at only a couple of factors that contribute to the happiness …show more content…

In other words a women’s liberation movement is a struggle for equality. The liberation movement of the United States during the late 1960’s and 70’s, fought to end female oppression and male supremacy. It is common amongst people who are unaware of the feminist movements to think of the women’s liberation movement as a group of women who want to eliminate men, in reality many feminist theorists are really concerned with how society can end unfair sex roles. The roots of the women’s liberation movement are often traced to the New Left and the civil rights movement in the 1950’s and 60’s. Women in these movements found that they were not treated equally even while they were in groups that claimed to fight for freedom and equality (Napikoski, …show more content…

The contraceptive technology developed during the 1960’s reduced the number of women who would choose to have children and pursue the traditional role of the wife and mother. What is meant by the shift in the ratio of male to females in marriageable age is that during the late 1950’s and early 60’s more daughters came to age to be married than sons did. Since there were more daughters and fewer men to marry these daughters, fewer women found themselves in the role of a wife and mother. The benefits or compensation that would come from being a wife and mother were reduced. This decline in benefits from the following of the traditional female role caused women to change their personal goals and spawned the women’s liberation movement. The increasing number of women shifting their personal goals from domestic duties towards work outside the home led women to seeing the pay inequalities between themselves and their male coworkers (Heer & Grossbard-Schechtman,

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