
The World The War Made By President Lincoln

Decent Essays

1. “The World the War Made”
a. Why does Foner say that the Emancipation Proclamation “transformed a war of armies into a conflict of societies” (3)? REQUIRED
i. The Emancipation Proclamation issued by President Lincoln declared that all people held as slaves within the rebel states, are now and forever free. This quote is especially important because it demonstrates the effects on society after the Proclamation was signed. Because of these effects, the focus turned from war into the societal “problems” that this Proclamation brought about. The Emancipation was a “turning point in national policy and in the character of war.” Lincoln knew that the residents of the border states would never support abolition as a war aim, therefore he did …show more content…

Because Johnson was military governor over Tennessee, he could use Johnson on the ballot to gain the traction within the occupied southern states. Lincoln and Johnson could work towards a smoother integration of Tennessee back into the Union.

b. What does Foner mean when he says that there was “a broader question suggested by the end of slavery: Should the freedmen be viewed as ready to take their place as citizens and participants in the competitive marketplace, or did their unique historical experience oblige the federal government to take special action in their behalf?” (31) How did creation of the Freedmen’s Bureau suggest one answer to this question? REQUIRED
i. The creation of the Freedmen’s Bureau suggests a great deal about the South during the Reconstruction era of the United States. The Bureau was created to help emancipated slaves and refugees have some kind of access to land. Along with access to land, the Bureau itself was “empowered to distributes clothing, food, and fuel” to those who have become free men. In my opinion, I believe the creation of the Freedmen’s Bureau answered the question of citizenship in the sense that freedmen should be considered citizens right off the bat. Back then, owning property was a huge part of citizenship. By providing help with access to land, freedmen had the chance to become an equal citizen.

3. “The Meaning of Freedom”
a. What did Jonathan C. Gibbs mean when he

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