Shivers I hear heavy breathing outside the closet door, so I think the monster knows I 'm here. I guess I should catch you up. I 've been hiding in this closet for hours, and I 'm writing this in case I don’t make it out of here alive. Every night for the past 2 weeks I 've been hearing noises, and 3 nights ago I saw it. I woke up to the noises as usual, but instead of finding nothing there, I saw a terribly gruesome figure. It seemed like it had been human at some point, but it were nothing but a rotting carcass now. That kinda made me feel bad for it, pitied it in a way, because It was deformed in such an agonizing way. In It must 've sensed my fear because it moved as if to launch itself toward me, and in fact, I was absolutely petrified. I couldn 't even move because of fear paralysis, so I just laid there in horror as my worst nightmare came true. I shut my eyes real quick, expecting to feel it 's deformities on my body, but after a minute or so I didn 't feel anything, so I slowly crept open my eyes and I saw it, within inches of my face, just staring at me. I could feel its hot breath on my neck, as I felt bile rising up in my throat. That thing I saw, wasn 't human anymore. It unhinged its mouth like a snake, swallowing my silver watch whole. The worst part was that it wouldn 't leave, it had me stuck in a paralyzed state for what seemed like hours. Finally, it left. The largest grin was sprawled across its face, as it sunk into the shadows. I was
terror. The thing was almost upon me, and I had no way to escape. Still I pushed myself up and
He just stared at me until it hit me like a truck. I felt it in my stomach muscles, just the way I did when I realized that one hour I had been in the presence Newt
just stared at me until it hit me like a truck. I felt it in my stomach muscles, just the way I
Scanning my mind and listening. The creature could be a vagabond, an upright being without wings? Two arms, two legs, incomparable to any other animal. Why was it not speaking English ? Was it trying to convey something? What kind of reaction was it looking for? What circumstances could this encounter lead up to? Was the encounter premeditated, meant to be chaotic? Incomprehensible? But in actually, it is a reality. Did the creature have wings? When the creature came closer it was becoming determined to have our attention, it's not disputed. Yet it draws suspicion, specifically the creature did not impart itself completely, but stays on the inner edge of darkness hiding his corporeal self, simoustanly encroaching himself on us. However,
It was useless, though, because he would rip them off and open the door as if they weren’t even on it. We then tried to just sleep through it, but that was the worst idea ever. When the monster came in he screamed and screamed but we refused wake up. He began to pace and finally he couldn’t hold back and he lost his temper; he picked me up with his mighty strength and threw me at the wall Instead of hitting the wall, I went through it. I was very scared but after a couple of seconds I became braver as the monster came in after me. I realized, then, that we were in the monster’s lair. He ran around like he had in my room and didn’t even look at me and acted like I wasn’t even there. After a while he acknowledged me and began screaming in my face. There was a sharp ring in his house that made my ears hurt and made me want to leave. It didn't stop and I didn't know what to do, I didn’t want to move, but I was still very angry. He then began to speak, “You better listen to me, from now on get up when I call. The next time you don’t I’ll bring you back here and you’ll never be going home.” He said with a raspy and hoarse voice. I was scared but I knew I could defeat him. I also knew that if I didn't I would be in a terrible place for the rest of my life. He slammed me against the wall again and I was back into my room. The ringing was gone and I enjoyed the quietness of my room, that day I told my brother that we needed to defeat him that
I walked to it and tried prying it from the ground with my fingers. A twig broke behind me and I jumped and spun around. It was dark now and the only light was from the full moon. I had a bad feeling start to pump through me. I turned and ran trying to evacuate the danger I felt nearby. I ran through brush that looked like claws trying to grab my ankles. And as tree limbs came down snatching at my skin I tripped and fell. I saw a tree nearby that looked welcoming and I tried to use it as cover. Black wings busted through the trees and run started echoing around me in a croaked out a raspy breath.
I could feel it in my fingertips, the ends of my hair, and everywhere in between. It stretched inside of me like a coiling snake, ready to lash out.
When I finally got my vision back I couldn’t believe myself, a shudder of fear travelled through my body, as I realised that the creature in front of was real, more real than the reality of my hunger. My sight was disturbed by an ethereal creature that looked like the devil in the form of a ghost, a glowing red ghost. All the adrenaline my body could generate surged through my casket dense body, giving the energy that I had been missing for years to run. But even that surge of energy couldn’t take me far enough, my body stopped moving and I collapsed my own body taking a toll on what was left of me. The creature appeared again, coming closer and closer, until it faced me, every part of me wanted to run as fast as I could but I couldn’t move.
The fainted as usual, then I saw the creature walk near me. I felt a weird feeling, something I've never felt before. It was horrible, I couldn't breathe and I felt
I look to the right of my bed and it’s there; crouching beside me. Its face is pure white and doesn’t resemble skin at all, but a shining porcelain. The monster doesn’t have a mouth - there is just skin running down from the bottom of its nose to its chin. Shielding it’s beady eyes are a pair of raven-black goggles strapped to its bald head. It wears what resembles a completely circular helmet the colour of a neon orange and its hands are covered in tactical gloves, dark as a jet-black night. It wears an amber jumpsuit and stare into my soul. Its wretched face is about five centimetres away from mine and I can feel an ice cold breath creep onto my forehead.The creatures body is hunched over and strange
The day was dreadfully dull, and on top of that, nothing interesting had happened in the first week on this desolate world. My colleagues along with myself were clearly becoming bored of our work. But that changed when I saw it, and I hollered to my colleagues. Rushing over to them, I babbled to them about my strange encounter. After my co-workers were able to calm me down, I frantically explained what had happened, while simultaneously searching the area that I had spotted the creature. Immediately after explaining, we searched
However, I abruptly paused, seeing the golden glint on the frame around the mirror. The creature I had seen, was me. I collapsed onto the ground, pain being remembered again, and my limbs giving out.
It was like a furry, agile Dracula, its breathing very loud and deep. I froze. My mind froze. My entire body refused to co-operate. In less than half a second, it pounced onto me.
My confidence was nothing more than fear and mere hope that I escaped my current predicament unharmed. In a span of what seemed like an instant, the beast had ripped open the building entrance from its latches and grabbed me. His strength and quickness left me paralyzed and unsure of what to do. I could feel my body being ripped apart, and the very life I was going to drain from his eyes was currently being drained from mine. His teeth were sharp and unforgiving on my body. I could feel every limb torn from my body and could not help but wonder is this is really how I am going to
I didn't stop screaming until whatever was climbing me hovered in front of my face. Again, a silvery-blue creature in the shape of a snake was poised in a striking position inches from my nose. Light began to pour through the shape like a disco ball. The snake thing drew back and I squeezed my eyes shut, waiting for a strike in the face.