
The Worst Vacation Of My Life Essay

Decent Essays

I used to spend the last part of my summer vacation with my uncle and aunt. As a continuation of a long-ago-established tradition we decided going to York - a small, picturesque tourist town at the seaside, located in the southeastern part of Maine. On the 27th of August, early in the morning we went to my uncle’s car with the entire luggage, prepared to leave and spend a nice, relaxing vacation, far away from the problems of the city. Unfortunately the unpleasant surprises started from the first second of our vacation. To our great disbelief the two front tires of the car were missing, and as later became clear, stolen during the night so at this moment the car was lying on the pavement, like a big wounded animal. I remember that my …show more content…

Our mood was bad, because we were tired from the hours spend in the car and the accidents, that happened to us. As far as I remember we had another problem with the reservation of our hotel rooms, but after such an exhausting day those things seemed almost normal, too easily-predicted to make us an impression.

The very first days of our vacation passed smoothly, without any sign that our bad luck will follow us. We started to enjoy our rest, making jokes from the strange situations that happened to us the previous days. Then the event that changes my life happened. It was the fourth day of our vacation and we had already forgotten the events from our departure. As usual, after breakfast we went directly to the beach with the intent to stay there till late afternoon. This time my uncle proposed us to change the place and go to some more quiet and far from the crowd one. We of course accepted the idea. This new beach was exactly what I was dreaming for – beautiful shore, clear and calm sea, clean sand. I was really excited. This magnificent “heaven” was naturally surrounded by high cliffs, which separated us from the rest of the beach, that is, from the crowd. The day passed very smoothly. At the end of it we were even slightly bored from those sunbathes. Then my aunt proposed me to climb up one of the cliffs that surrounded the beach. I grinned broadly and accepted the idea with enthusiasm –, as all kids will do when proposing

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