
The Yellow Wallpaper Feminist Analysis Essay

Decent Essays

The short story “The Yellow Wallpaper by Charlotte Perkins Gilman is a vivid literary work that captures the reader by allowing them into the mind of the narrator, enabling the reader to experience the physiologically traumatic main character point of view. Gilman uses explicit details and imagery of the wallpaper, which clearly identifies the (adj) of the mental state of the narrator. The story also brings up several feministic issues which were a major problem in the nineteenth century. The Yellow Wallpaper depicts how women’s roles were viewed at that time and how society viewed mental illness. Through the use view of first person narrative, the protagonist distraught mental illness becomes more and more apparent. As the story unfolds we watch the woman struggle with society’s imposed roles and her attempt to recover from her illness.

Before the twentieth century, men chose and defined women’s roles in society. Men created a society where women were subjected …show more content…

The narrator is awed by the “romantic felicity” of the house and is glad to be staying there, though she does state “that there is something queer about it” (Gilman 170). Her husband john hopes that a change of scenery and a break from the city will cure her from a “slight hysterical tendency. (Cite?). John outlines a daily schedule for the narrator to follow, ensuring she will get plenty of rest. (Introduce something). “So I take phosphates or phosphites—whichever it is, and tonics, and journeys, and air, and exercise, and am absolutely forbidden to work until I am well again” (Gilman 170). The narrator does not agree with her treatment and secretly believes that working may actually help her recover. She also believes that if she were allowed company other than her husband she might recover faster. John, however, tells her that such activity will only worsen her

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