
The Yellow Wallpaper Setting Analysis

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How does the narration and setting of “A Rose for Emily” and “The Yellow Wallpaper” enhance the story overall? Narration is the most important impact on a reader. The narrator helps the reader understand the setting, plot, theme, etc. So, it is very substantial for the narration to be interesting and grab the reader’s attention. The setting is another great influence on the reader. The reader needs to understand and imagine the characters surrounding and the time period in order to connect with the characters. The narration and setting in these two short stories definitely enhance the reader’s connection to the story. The story “A Rose for Emily,” is about a woman who is talked about by everyone in the town. Emily, the main character of …show more content…

For example, in the story “A Rose for Emily,” the narrator goes into great detail about the history of which the house came to where they are located and so forth. You can definitely tell what era and where they are located due to the name frequently used in this story which was, “nigger.” This obviously was a time where people used this word in a casual way to categorize people based of the color of their skin. Furthermore, the story is really great about using dates. Which were used to must emphasis on the more important aspects in the story, such as when Emily’s father died in 1893. On the other hand, in the story “The Yellow Wallpaper,” the narrator gives her emotional perspective about the house which reflects the actual physical set-up. "[The house] is quite alone standing well back from the road, quite three miles from the village. It makes me think of English places that you read about, for there are hedges and walls and gates that lock, and lots of separate little houses for the gardeners and people." Apparently since it’s off the road and three miles from the village it’s a very isolated place in which is mirroring her perspective on being isolated in the room that she is locked away in. Also, her descriptive detail of what she sees out her barred up windows gives the reader a good idea that they are in the countryside. Overall, these two stories are enhanced by the element of

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