
The Yellow Wallpaper by Charlotte Perkins Gilman

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The Yellow Wallpaper, has an autobiographical element to it. It was written by Charlotte Perkins Gilman. The piece of work concentrates on many different aspects of literature.

"The Yellow Wallpaper," has an autobiographical element to it. It was written by Charlotte Perkins Gilman. The piece of work concentrates on many different aspects of literature. It can be evaluated with ten different types of literary criticism: formalist, biographical, historical, psychological, mythological, sociological, gender, reader-response, deconstructionist, and cultural studies.

Formalist criticism regards human knowledge that needs to be examined on its own terms. It concentrates around the style, structure, imagery, tone, and genre. In …show more content…

Gilman is most renounced for her short story, The Yellow Wallpaper.
Her life story became the basis of this story. After her first child,
Gilman experienced severe depression and her doctor prescribed her with a rest cure. The doctor in the story is much like the doctor that
Gilman was treated by in her life. She was also prevented from picking up a pen or brush, which symbolizes, using her intellect. She pulled back from the brink of insanity by ignoring the doctor's orders, leaving her husband, and becoming a successful writer. The main character in this story is living almost a mirror image of the author's life. The main character is trapped in a room with yellow wallpaper and is made to rest there to cure her depression. Gilman most likely uses this piece of work to show what she went through in her life. The parts that she did not include in the story are probably parts of her life that she is ashamed of or wishes she could change.

Historical criticism seeks to understand a literary work by investigating the social, cultural, and intellectual context that produced it. The story is a reaction to the ethos of the time which dictated the very narrow confines of a woman's life in the nineteenth century. It is a piece of feminist literature. It also has responds to the beliefs

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