
The Zika Virus Affects The Body

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Synapse of paper As the number of individuals being diagnosed with the Zika virus, there is a growing concern on the effects of how the virus actually affects the system and how the body responds to it. The virus is huge problem as there are no licensed medical countermeasures. Vaccines, therapies and preventive drugs are being developed but they are years away. The journal article published by Robert W. Malone, Jane Homan, Michael V. Callahan, Jill Glasspool-Malone, Lambodhar Damodaran, Adriano De Bernardi Schneider, Rebecca Zimler, James Talton, Ronald R. Cobb, Ivan Ruzic, Julie Smith-Gagen, Daniel Janies, and James Wilson (2016) talks about the results of potential medical countermeasures being developed and reported cases of the Zika virus. Background …show more content…

There are reports of sexual transmission of the Zika virus as the is a prolonged presence of the virus in semen. The symptoms of the virus include low-grade fever, joint pain with swelling mainly in smaller joints of the hands and feet, itchy rashes, conjunctivitis, headaches, muscle pain, and eye pain. The Zika virus can also be asymptomatic, which is why there is such a concern. According to Emily Petersen (2016), the Zika virus plays a role childbirth, as an infected mother can pass the virus to the infant because the virus can cross the placenta. The passing of the virus from mother to child can result in neonatal deaths or

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