
The 's Theory Of Human Behavior, Emotion, And Thought

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Relationships exist in every possible corner of humanity. The adage regarding strength in numbers is a relevant point to deliberate when discussing the benefits and deficits of belongingness. “The ‘belongingness hypothesis’ states that people have a basic psychological need to feel closely connected to others, and that caring, affectionate bonds from close relationships are a major part of human behavior” (Selterman, 2014). People are driven to form and keep positive and significant relationships with others who reciprocate concern and care. The need to belong motivates human behavior, emotion and thought. Whether looking from a theological perspective, “But you belong to God…” (John 4:4, English Standard Version) or an evolutionary view of cell mutations and adaptations, it is inarguable that successful procreation ensures the survivability of mankind. In this act of procreation lies the very reason it is a human necessity to have relationships and seek a level of belonging. Normal and healthy development depends on the associations we form and the existence of humanity is proof of the innateness of belonging. “There is abundant evidence that social bonds form easily. Indeed, people in every society on earth belong to small primary groups that involve face-to-face, personal interactions” (Baumeister, 1995). Whether the relationship is romantic, filial, sibling-oriented, friendly, or based on a need to survive is of little consequence in this dialog. It is quintessential

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