
Theatre In Ancient China And The Yaun And Tang Dynasty

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Theatre has existed for thousands of years all across the globe. China has contributed to the history of theatre and has had its own developments over the past few thousand years. Due to different rulers of the Chinese empire, theatre in China was shaped and formed many different times. From ancient Chinese theatre and the Tang dynasty to the Yaun and Ming Dynasty, Chinese theatre has been constantly adapting and forming into a cherished art form that is still respected and performed today. Early theatre in china can be lined back to the Shang dynasty (1766 - 1066 B.C.) Records to this dynasty showed men performing hunting rituals where they took on the role of an animal and danced while imitating that animal. These animal dances can still be seen in China today especially through Martial arts. Other records show China prominent in the Zhou dynasty (c. 1066-221 BC) where “chorus dances” came about. These dances were divided into two groups and performed by both genders. Wu dances were the dances performed by men and the some performed dances called xi dances. Also during the Zhou dynasty their were other less religious performances such as skits, pantomimes, juggling, singing, dancing, sword-swallowing, fire-eating, acrobatics, rope walking, and other exciting forms of entertainment. All these led to the Tang dynasty and a more liberal advance for Chinese theatre. The Tang Period lasted about three hundred years and was considered the “classical period of Chinese

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