
Their Eyes Were Watching God Analysis

Decent Essays

In this weeks Hollywood Film class we focused on the genre drama. Drama is a very interesting and unique genre because of how the story usually plays out. A drama brings a story to life. A drama is told through a dialogue and action is used to pull in the audience. Drama Films are usually stories with situations that use characters in some sort of conflict. Usually the conflict is with themselves or others. Drama films are one of the largest film genres because they included many other types of film styles as well. Drama films normally include societal issues, concerns or injustices, such as racial prejudice, drug addiction, poverty, alcoholism, class divisions, sexual inequality, mental illness, etc. Dramas help draw the attention to issues …show more content…

This film is about the main character Janie Crawford's search for happiness. Throughout this film the viewer sees the different struggles Janie faces. This includes several different marriages, and even some life threating situations. This film is a drama because a story is brought to life through dialogue and action. The audience can see and feel the conflict Janie endures. The conflict in this movie includes person vs. self, person vs. person, and person vs. nature. This film fits perfectly into the genre of drama because of the elements, characteristics and conflict seen …show more content…

In this clip some formal elements were used in order to pull in the audience and change the emotions of them as well. In this scene Tea Cake is struggling from the effects of being bit by a dog with rabies. A doctor had told Janie that he would bring the proper medicine back to cure Tea Cake but it had been days and there was no sign he was coming back. Tea Cake is loosing it mentally and Janie knows he is not right. She is trying to hide the pistol and shotgun in their shack so Tea Cake does not hurt her or himself. However, Tea Cake walks in and finds the pistol and points it at her. He hesitates and pulls the trigger. Luckily for Janie she has unloaded some of the bullets from the pistol but a few remain. This leaves the audience on the edge of their seat as tension grows. She talks to him trying to get him to snap out of it. For a split second he looks at her and as a viewer one might think she can flip him back to normalcy. This is shown by the blurry view they use of Janie from Tea Cakes perspective. This creates tension growth even more as the viewer is completely unaware of what will happen next. She has been confident that he can fight off these effects caused by the rabies throughout this scene. You can tell by her strong tone of voice. However as he pulls the trigger the second time, she breaks down crying

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