
Their Eyes Were Watching Janie Analysis

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The Impact of the Society and Class theme on Janie In accordance with the turbulent time period it was written in, Their Eyes Were Watching God comments on many issues within the society of the 1930’s through various themes such as love, nature, and societal standards. However, the theme of societal standards and expectations is perhaps the most prominent in the story, furthering the main character Janie’s development the most. In the book, despite the standards and rules imposed on her by society, Janie learns to overcome them, thereby attaining happiness and an emotionally rich life. As a mixed woman in the southern United States, Janie had always had rules and others’ expectations thrust upon her, under the guise of either love or judgement. For example, although Nanny intended for Janie to find security and eventual happiness through an arranged marriage as a result of her own tragic life experiences, this backfired, as Janie was only acquired those at forty, after two failed marriages. Her late second husband Joe Starks imposed societal rules on her, often expressing how women should stay in the background of matters. After accepting his position as mayor of Eatonville, Joe quickly took away Janie’s attempt at making her own comments on the matter by saying“[t]hank yuh fuh yo' compliments, but mah wife don't know nothin' 'bout no speech- makin'. Ah never married her for nothin' lak dat. She's uh woman and her place is in de home.'" (Hurston 43). Opinions

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