
Thekli Case Study: Behavior Problems In School

Decent Essays

The father reported when the child was in third grade there were behavior problems in school. He indicated that the child would go school, but would not go to class. He stated that Thekli would sit at the security desk or in the principal’s office and or in door of the classroom. Mr. Chronis stated that Thekli would fight every morning with the mother (the child would change her clothes three times) and the mother would get upset. He indicated at times Thekli would not get out of bed or brush her teeth. The father reported that she would be obstinate and difficult when it was time to get ready for school. The father stated that did not think that the treatment with Dr. McGrath was productive for the child. He indicated that the clinician met …show more content…

Chronis reported in the February of 2016, the child began seeing Dr. Robin Hardwick. He indicated during this time the child’s mother had been hospitalized during the summer and the family was involved with Child Protective Services. He indicated that the child was also meeting with Ms. Lu the guidance counselor, she taught Thekli to write down thoughts in a notebook. The father stated that the school recommended Dr. Robin Hardwick from the Pride of Judea. He indicated that he called and was scheduled for an intake in February. Mr. Chronis stated that the mother was not present due to the Order of Protection in place. The father stated that the child had a neuropsychology evaluation, he indicated that the mother was aware of the meeting. He indicated that the mother attended separately because of the Order of Protection. He indicated that the child has met with the clinician weekly. He reports that it will take time for the child to open up to clinician. He indicated that the Dr. Hardwick is trying to build trust through roleplaying. The father stated that the child is cooperative and likes to take control of situations. He indicated that he meets with Dr. Hardwick once a month, as well as telephone communication. Mr. Chronis stated that he is unclear is unclear if the mother is having contact with the clinician.

Mr. Chronis stated that the clinician has not given any direction to the parents to address the child’s refusal to see her mother. The father reported that he does not think that Dr. Hardwick is the right person for Thekli. He feels that the child is getting to know the therapist but she needs someone who will assist her around the defiance. The father reported that he worries about the child because she does not show

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