
Thematic Elements Of Comedy In A Midsummer Night's Dream

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A comedy about fairies, nobles, lovers, and peasants alike, it has beaten the test of time and entertained the world for over 400 years. William Shakespeare weaves together fantasy and reality to create the widely acclaimed play, “A Midsummer Night’s Dream.” In this comedy, Shakespeare creates a world where thematic elements of bewilderment, comedy, and young love runs wild by utilizing various techniques throughout the play such as the foreshadowment of the title, the irony of Bottom’s name, and the symbolism of the fairy world. The play thrives off of confusion, as foreshadowed by the title. “A Midsummer Night’s Dream,” from one view, is just what it says, but from a deeper perspective it informs the reader of the oncoming bewilderment without turning a page. Midsummer is a languid and hazy time. Festivals would be thriving in ancient Greece, bringing on copious amounts of alcohol, dancing, and forgetfulness. Heat, alcohol, and laziness are all key ingredients for a potion of confusion. Shakespeare invokes a mental image of a summer haze just by penning “Midsummer.” While summer was the height of confusion mentally, twilight was the peak of bewilderment physically. The ultimate obscure hour at any point in the year, the character’s vision would have been limited. The witching hour was an “anything can happen” time of day. The darkness lit up passion, confusion, and imagination in ways the sun’s rays never could. Fantasies fueled by the night would ultimately unfold in

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