
Thematic Essay On The Book The Giver

Decent Essays

Imagine a world where you can't feel pain ,can't see colors, don't know anything about world history, and you don't have a family. .this place is a reality in the giver where they thought that they had created a utopia but ended up making a dystopia. This is completely different from our world where we can feel and have all of those things and more,but the big things that are different are love and memories One thing with memories, is the memories of loved ones. In our world if we lose someone, we will always remember and love them but it states, ”Until he was disappearing from them,until he was no more than the occasional murmur and then,by the end of the long day ,gone forever,not to be mentioned again” (Lowry 161). This shows how in the giver they are taught since childhood to forget about people who pass away . plus the parents don't feel remorse for their children being gone , but in our world it's completely different where we are taught from a young age to remember our loved ones and that they’re always with us .Also if someone's child were to pass away the parent would be distraught.Also it states on page “ I loved her “( Lowry 141) This shows how the side character the giver can feel emotions unlike the bleak society in the story. History is a very important thing to …show more content…

This is completely different from our world where we are taught about love and we throw around love all the time . Another piece of evidence is “ I like the feeling of love “ (Lowry 126) This shows that there are people who feel the same way as we do because love is an indescribable feeling that makes you feel good and want more And that's how jonas is feeling right

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