
Theme Of A Wrinkle In Time

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A Wrinkle in Time By Madeleine L’Engle is a classic novel about a girl, Meg, her brother, Charles Wallace, and their friend, Calvin go on an adventure to find their dad, Mr. Murry. Since they couldn’t do it alone, three mystical beings helped them by doing something called tessering. At last, they arrive at a planet where everyone is the same, Camazotz. IT controls everyone on Camazotz and IT controlled Charles Wallace. To avoid being controlled, they tesser away from Camazotz. Eventually, they go back to Camazotz to save Charles Wallace with love. That’s why I think that the theme is love and the message is love overcomes evil. When they arrived on Camazotz, some may think that they could never save Mr. Murry because they could never fight through IT. Usually, people would get hypnotized by IT. But Meg and Charles loved him, so they weren't going to back down. So they used their love to persevere and save Mr. Murry. In the process, Charles gets mind controlled by IT. This shows how much Charles Wallace loves Meg, Calvin, and Mr. Murry. You can obviously tell that the message is love overcomes evil …show more content…

Meg wanted to see her father because she loves him. When Meg went to go back to save Charles Wallace, it showed how she loved him, even if he was mind controlled. If that doesn't show that love overcomes evil, I don't know what does. Others may think that if they did not help Charles Wallace, he would still be safe. He wouldn't need to worry about anything. Although some many agree with this, Charles Wallace would get bored and would want to be reunited with his family. You can clearly see that being mind controlled by IT is similar to being trapped in a box. So then the message is obviously love overcomes

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